About ASEB

ASEB Connections
ASEB (Alzheimer’s Services of the East Bay) is a nonprofit community organization in California that provides services for individuals with dementia, as well as for their families. Since 1989, ASEB has been providing Adult Day Care, Family Support, and Education & Community Outreach Services, primarily in Alameda & Contra Costa Counties. An economical alternative to full-time residential or in-home care, ASEB is committed to enabling individuals to remain in their community for as long as possible and to avoid premature or inappropriate institutionalization.
Our Mission
ASEB’s History
The mission of ASEB (Alzheimer’s Services of the East Bay) is to provide services to individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and other related dementia; provide support to their caregivers, and educate and inform the general community about issues related to dementia care.
ASEB opened its doors in Berkeley in 1989. Since our inception, we have grown from serving 15 participants per day to an agency-wide capacity of 100 participants per day.
Our Berkeley location allows us to serve Alameda County and West Contra Costa County.
During the course of our 35-year history, we have expanded our services to cover a wide range of diverse needs. Yet while our national reputation as a leader in dementia care has grown, our core values remain the same: to provide a safe, caring, and stimulating environment for our participants, and a source of respite and information for caregivers.
The ASEB Team
Board of Directors

Carolyn Brent, PhD,MBA
Board President
Carolyn Brent's Bio
Carolyn Brent – Board President;
Carolyn Brent, also known as Carolyn A. Brent, is an American author, bodybuilder, and elder-care legislation advocate.[] She is best known as an award-winning advocate and the author of best-selling books, The Caregiver’s Companion: Caring for Your Loved One Medically, Financially and Emotionally While Caring for Yourself and Why Wait? The Baby Boomers Guide to Preparing Emotionally, Financially and Legally for a Parent’s Death.
Brent is also the founder of the nonprofit organizations, Caregiver Story and Grandpa’s Dream. Source: Wikipedia

Micheal Pope
Micheal Pope's Bio
Micheal Pope – CEO. Micheal Pope joined ASEB in 1997. She served as Program Director and Director of Development before becoming Executive Director in 2008. With a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing from New Hampshire College and course work in City Planning and Urban Affairs at Boston University, Micheal has more than 20 years of experience in health care management, with an emphasis on marketing. She is a board member of the California Culture Change Coalition Steering Council and a past member of the Long Term Care Steering Committee and the Service Review Advisory Committee/East Bay Paratransit. She has served on the board of Ombudsman, Inc., Alameda, and is the past-president of the Board of the Contra Costa Child Care Council. In addition to her work at ASEB, she is Lay Leader at the Concord United Methodist Church. She also provides counseling and support to youth in foster care programs.
Micheal believes that everyone must contribute if a change is to come about. Serving on the board and staff of ASEB is one of the greatest highlights of her life, an honor that brings meaning to her every day. Her two children, Milton and Jade, provide her with laughter, joy, and growth from within. They are the source of her energy.

Wanda Wallis
Board Member
Wanda Wallis' Bio
Wanda Wallis is a realtor whose experience includes 25 years of outside and inside sales, including employment with several Fortune 500 companies. A deep concern for the welfare of seniors led her to become one of the few licensed realtors to earn the designation of Seniors Real Estate Specialist (SRES) from the National Association of Realtors. Her understanding of the mature market enables her to educate and advise seniors on a wide range of housing options, and to aid them in making choices that will enhance their quality of life. Remax Accord honored Wanda as one of their top producers for 2008, 2009, and 2010. She is a member of the National Association of Realtors, Contra Costa Association of Realtors, and the Bay East Association of Realtors. She provides outstanding real estate and related services in Contra Costa, Alameda, and Solano Counties.
Wanda holds a BA in Communications and Business from Azusa Pacific University in Azusa, California. She is very active in the Walnut Creek Chamber of Commerce, where she has served as Chairperson of the Ambassador Committee for the last seven years. She and her husband Larry Willies enjoy golfing, traveling, and simply enjoying “quality time” together. Their son, Diallo, recently joined Wanda in her business.

Andrew Badoud
Board Member
Andrew Badoud 's Bio
With 28 years in the senior living industry in an Operations and Sales and Marketing leadership role, Andrew Badoud has a proven track record in building teams, creating a collaborative vision and strategic plans to achieve consistent positive outcomes.
Andrew is currently Executive Director, Elegance Berkeley and has served as Senior Vice President for Carlton Senior Living as well as Divisional Director of Operations for Westmont Living, Regional Sales for Atria Senior Living and Benchmark Assisted Living, Director of Operations for Senior Living Residences, working in 7 states with significant experience in start-up and turn-around of challenged, underperforming projects.
His approach is simple: Foster an environment that supports and empowers your team, creating engagement, buy-in and loyalty which will translate into energetic, genuine and exceptional interactions with the customer and in turn, provide consistent positive financial and satisfaction outcomes. An environment created along with a strategic look at the needs in the market, assessing the opportunities, analyzing labor and expense efficiencies, evaluating the team, resources, procedures and putting a plan in place to achieve greater results.
Originally from Connecticut and after attending college and living in Boston Massachusetts area for many years, Andrew currently resides in Berkeley, California with his two children Henry a freshman in college and Kate a junior at Berkeley High School.

Nicole Shih
Board Member
Nicole Shih's Bio
Nicole has been passionate about helping seniors literally her whole life, ever since she grew up practically joined at
the hip to her grandmother in Taiwan. Reverence for elders is such a cornerstone of Taiwanese culture that Nicole
loved helping other grandmas and grandpas too, and before long one of her childhood dreams was to grow up and
care for many seniors as she could.
Having inherited the family genius for business, Nicole found her way into the health care industry in Southern
California, where she worked as a medical device rep and rose to become her company’s top rep in all of Los
Angeles County. After several years in the field she was ready to do more than just sales, so she moved to the Bay
Area to pursue her MBA and start her own company, Nestvy Senior Placement and Home Care. In the grand tradition
of Bay Area startup entrepreneurs, Nicole actually dropped out of her graduate program at Johns Hopkins to have
more time to focus on her company, and the results have been tremendous: in only three years Nestvy has become
one of the East Bay’s most trusted senior placement and caregiving services.
When not hard at work in the field, Nicole enjoys ballet, travel, and playing the piano, but her true love will always be
health care. She is delighted to be a part of ASEB, and can’t wait to meet all of you!

Anne Sanabria
Board Member
Anne Sanabria's Bio
Anne Sanabria has been working with seniors and their families in the bay area for 28 years.
She lives in her Concord home with her two chihuahuas, Freddie and Stevie.
Anne considers her ability to connect with seniors and their families as her greatest gift.
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